

Hello, my name is Heather, and I'm a Fabriholic! Due to 2020 being such a crappy year, and me being stuck inside for so long, I found a lot of solice in online shopping. And a lot of that shopping was for fabric. Now, I have justified all of the purchases with the fact that I will be using all the fabric...eventually.

When I started making bags I had a very strict system. I would buy fabric for a specific pattern and I would match the exterior and lining together so I didn't have to find something to match later. I felt so "together" when I found these job sleeves on Amazon (you know, the kind that they use at Pep Boys) to keep track of all the supplies for each bag. I put the fabric, zipper, pattern, and hardware together so that I'm all ready to go when I start the bag. I put everything together in these sleeves and then put the sleeves in my cabinet to protect them from dust. Once I filled that up I started stacking them in these boxes so that I could file through them and pick which pattern to do next. I limited myself to two boxes of sleeves so that I wouldn't get too far ahead of myself.

Less than a year later had over 50 patterns ready to make and adding more like they were going out of style. I soon started an "overflow" tupperware bin of fabric. I promised myself that I wouldn't buy more fabric than that. That was until the pandemic hit!

So here I am at the beginning of 2021 with more fabric than I could possibly use in one year. And since I've been making bags, I also have leftover fabric that needs to be used. I figured that if I used up the leftover fabric I would make room for the new fabric. So I ordered these cute boxes from Joanns to organize the leftover fabric and picked out several smaller pouches that I can make with them. I'm ordering zippers and hardware to go with everything and then I'll start sewing them all up.

Of course, that won't make all the room but it will help me stay organized. Needless to say, I'll be putting a moratorium on buying more fabric until I've made a good portion of the bags I already have planned (sure Heather). So here's to a very productive 2021!


Rockstar Bag


2021 Organization Goals